Service to the Profession AwardThis award is designated for USAIN members who have demonstrated leadership in advancing the field of agricultural information and who have established new directions or visions for the field. 2022Julie Kelly, Science Librarian, University of Minnesota, Emerita, in recognition for her tremendous contributions and leadership in advancing agricultural librarianship through service to USAIN, AgNIC, AERO, as co-founder of AgEconSearch, and for her generous mentorship of colleagues. 2020Jeanne Pfander, Liaison to the Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension and to the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona, in recognition of her demonstrated leadership in advancing the field of agricultural information through her efforts and collaborative work through USAIN and AgNIC, most notably the Rangelands Partnership, and her invaluable support for colleagues in the profession. 2018Debbie Currie, Collections & Research Librarian for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the North Caroline State University Libraries, in recognition of her demonstrated leadership in advancing the field of agricultural information through her efforts across USAIN, AgNIC, and IAALD, along with work around data management and citizen science. 2016Allison Level, Professor and Coordinator for Collections at Colorado State University, in recognition of her demonstrated leadership in advancing the field of agricultural information through her efforts and commitment to mentor agricultural librarian colleagues and provide a supportive professional environment. 2014Amy Paster, Life Sciences Library, Penn State University in recognition of her demonstrated leadership in advancing the field of agricultural information, including her service and impact on projects in support of agricultural research. 2012Ms. Nan Hyland (posthumously awarded), Mann Library, Cornell University in recognition of her demonstrated leadership in advancing the field of agricultural information, establishment of new directions or visions for the field of agricultural information, and contributions to the development, application or utilization of new or improved methods or techniques in the organization or delivery of agricultural information. 2010Melanie A. Gardner, USDA/National Agricultural Library, in recognition of her visionary role in advancing AgNIC and for her leadership contributions to agricultural information. 2008Barbara Hutchinson, Assistant Director of the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station in Tucson, Arizona in recognition of her visionary role in advancing the field of agricultural information and outstanding leadership to USAIN. 2006JoAnn DeVries, formerly Coordinator for Collection Development and Management in Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Minnesota, in recognition of her exceptional record of professional leadership, research and scholarship during 1991-2006. 2005Toni Greider, Associate Dean for Research & Education for University of Kentucky Libraries, in recognition of her visionary leadership in establishing USAIN as a viable component of the national agricultural information community and her many contributions in the international information arena.2003James Horsfield (posthumously awarded), USDA economist instrumental in developing AgEcon Search. M. Kay Mowery, for her leadership and contributions to USAIN and to agricultural information in general. 2001Pamela Q. J. Andre, former Director of the National Agricultural Library, for her outstanding efforts in areas such as the development of AgNIC, digital preservation, and international outreach. | Julie Kelly Receives USAIN 2022 Award![]() Julie Kelly received the Service to the Profession award at the 2022 USAIN Virtual Conference.