Committees do the business of USAIN![]() USAIN members are active in a variety of committees. Advocacy and Action CommitteeThe Advocacy and Action Committee monitors issues affecting agricultural information policy and keeps the membership informed of opportunities for action. The Committee coordinates responses by USAIN as deemed necessary and appropriate. Awards and Honors CommitteeThe Awards and Honors Committee, chaired by the President-Elect, administers all special recognition programs, including conference scholarship, Honorary Membership, and the Service to the Profession Award. This committee is active only in conference years. Budget CommitteeThe Budget Committee, chaired by the Treasurer, prepares the annual budget of USAIN. The committee may assist in overseeing the review of income and expenditures against the budget, reviewing and recommending investment options for USAIN funds, and provide guidance on expenditures for unbudgeted items. Business Records & ArchivesThe Business Records & Archives Committee collects, preserves, and makes available for research and reference those official USAIN records of sufficient historical, legal, fiscal, and/or administrative value to warrant preservation. Bylaws CommitteeThe Bylaws Committee drafts proposed Bylaws revisions, reviews revisions proposed by the EC or USAIN members, and conducts an annual review of the Procedures and Rules to ensure that they do not conflict with the Bylaws and reflect current operating practices. The Past President chairs the Bylaws Committee and may serve as the sole committee member. Communications CommitteeThe Communications Committee is charged with developing and facilitating means of communicating with the membership and with external audiences. The Committee is involved with the maintaining the USAIN website and the listserv, USAIN-L, as well as investigating social media and others communication methods. Membership CommitteeThe Membership Committee maintains accurate and timely records of membership and develops and implements effective membership recruitment and retention activities. Nominations and Elections CommitteeChaired by the Past President, the Nominations/Elections Committee secures candidates for all USAIN offices and conducts the annual election. Preservation and Digital Library Committee
The Preservation and Digital Library Committee coordinates information about activities relating to the preservation of agricultural information and serves as a focal point for coordination of Network preservation and digitization activities. Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Committee develops and delivers continuing education programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of the USAIN membership. Past Committee and IG rosters |