Interest Groups

Interest Groups are formed by members around a common interest or topic. Members can join or leave interest groups by logging in and editing their member profile. Current interest groups include:


The AgNIC Interest Group provides a forum for discussion of the Agriculture Network Information Collaborative (AgNIC). Members of the USAIN AgNIC Interest Group do not need to be AgNIC partners in order to participate in the AgNIC IG.

Agricultural Economics Research, Information, and Education IG

The purpose of the Agricultural Economics Research, Information, and Education Interest Group is to facilitate the identification and sharing of resources, tools, techniques, projects, and skills for research and teaching in applied, agricultural, or environmental economics.

Agricultural Research Services IG

The Agricultural Research Services Interest Group (ARSIG) is a community for discussion and information sharing around current trends for information professionals supporting agricultural researchers. Common interests include liaison/researcher collaborations, evidence synthesis, data management, research impact, GIS, open scholarship, and others suggested by members.

Animal Health Information IG

The purpose of the Animal Health Information Interest Group (AHIIG) is to facilitate access to veterinary and animal health related information, coordinate information sharing between librarians, and serve as advisors on related policy matters. 

Collection Management IG

The purpose of the Collection Management Interest Group is to facilitate the sharing of ideas and information of collection management issues. The primary focus is practical methodologies for current problems. Current issues include grey literature, cooperative collections, development and management of electronic access, storage facilities, digital formats, and others suggested by the members. 

Social Issues/Rural Information IG

Agriculture and other renewable natural resources industries dominate the livelihoods in much of rural America. Challenges and social problems facing rural communities are many. Globalization of economic and marketing activities has also impacted the rural communities to a great extent. The Social Issues/Rural Information Interest Group aims to highlight these issues, identify and respond to the unique needs of rural communities, and discuss the role of information services. 

Technology Trends IG

Technology Trends Interest Group (TTIG) is a forum for discussing information technologies in agriculture and related disciplines. The IG: Plans a conference program on a technology-related topic at USAIN conferences; Identifies information technology-related projects of interest to USAIN members and agricultural and science libraries; Promotes online discussion of technology and Web2.0 library applications used by and of interest to USAIN members.
Past Committee and IG Rosters
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