25 Years of USAIN: Looking back...Looking ahead...

Sarah Williams gave a great account of the first USAIN conference held at the University of Illinois in 1990. We are looking forward to being in Gainesville, FL at the University of Florida in 2016.

The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Hosted the Inagural USAIN Conference. When will you play host?

To stimulate your imagination, enthusiasm and desire to host a USAIN conference, here’s a recap of the locations and themes of our past conferences.

Inaugural Meeting, November 7-9, 1990
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Inaugural Meeting

2nd Biennial Conference, October 14-16, 1991
University of Minnesota
Electronic Information in the Agricultural Sciences

3rd Biennial Conference, October 28-30, 1993
Auburn University
Rural Information at the Crossroads: Issues and Opportunities

4th Biennial Conference, April 26-29, 1995
University of Kentucky
Cultivating New Ground in Electronic Information; Use of the Information Highway to Support Agriculture

5th Biennial Conference & Joint Conference with IAALD, April 3-5, 1997
University of Arizona
The Information Frontier: Linking People and Resources in a Changing World

6th Biennial Conference, April 22-24, 1999
Kansas State University
From Production to Consumption: Agricultural Information for All

7th Biennial Conference, April 20-23, 2001
North Carolina State University
Extending Our Reach: Redefining and Promoting Agricultural Information Through Partnerships

8th Biennial Conference, April 25-28, 2003
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Agricultural Information for the New Millennium: New Crops, Biotechnology, and Saving the Past

9th Biennial Conference & IAALD XITH World Congress, May 15-18, 2005
University of Kentucky
Globalization of Information: Agriculture at the Crossroads

10th Biennial Conference, October 8-11,2006
Cornell University
Delivering Information for the New Sciences

11th Biennial Conference, April 27-30, 2008
Ohio State University
Tradition in Transition: Information Fueling the Future of Agbiosciences

12th Biennial Conference, May 9-12, 2010
Purdue University
Agriculture Without Borders: Creating Knowledge and Partnerships Across Disciplines and Across the World

13th Biennial Conference, April 29-May 2, 2012
University of Minnesota
Soil, Water, Food and Energy: Agriculture in an Era of Global Climate Change

14th Biennial Conference, May 4-7, 2014
University of Vermont
Sustainable Agriculture: Stewardship of Our Informaiton Ecosystem

15th Biennial Conference, April 24-27, 2016
University of Florida
Interdisciplinary Agriculture: Meeting Tomorrow’s Global Challenges

16th Biennial Conference, May 13-16, 2018
Washington State University
Consuming Information: Agriculture at the Crossroads of Sustainability

17th Biennial Conference, July 20-24, 2020
Texas Tech University- Held virtually due to Covid-19 Pandemic
Smart Agriculture in the Era of Climate Change

18th Biennial Conference, April 4-8, 2022
University of Arkansas- Held virtually due to Covid-19 Pandemic
Supporting Agriculture: Food, Fiber, and Family

19th Biennial Conference & Joint Conference with CBHL, May 5-8, 2024
Michigan State University
Growing Together, Branching Out

Next Chapter: Tomato Juice/AgZines

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