This workshop will cover key elements of scholarly impact metrics, research evaluation and the role of digital identity in building faculty and departmental reputation. Topics can be used to develop key library programs supporting faculty promotion and tenure and program evaluation for departments and agricultural colleges. Bruce and Carolyn will expound upon programs they developed at TAMU that were effective, impactful, and not overwhelming in workload.
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Carolyn Jackson is Associate Professor and Scholarly Communications and Open Educational Resources Librarian at Kansas State University Libraries’ Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship (CADS), where she administors the Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative and oversees eBook publication in New Prairie Press. Her research focuses on Agricultural Research Data.
Prior to her current position, Carolyn was an Agriculture and Life Sciences Librarian at Texas A&M University’s Medical Sciences Library, serving as subject specialist and liaison to AgriLife Research and Extension and a number of departments in the College of Ag & Life Sciences.
Carolyn’s has a B.S. in Soil and Water Conservation and M.S. in Agriculture Education, Kansas State University, and MLS, Emporia State University.
Fun fact: To balance her digital-heavy work-load, Carolyn teaches book-binding and sewing workshops in the K-State Libraries’ Sunderland Foundation Innovation Lab.
Bruce Herbert, Ph.D. is Professor at Texas A&M’s Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications. His research explores the role of open access and open science practices on the translation of agricultural research into societal impact, the ethical evaluation of academic research, advancing open education, and programs that support the sustainability of rural communities.
Previously, he served as the Director of the Office of Scholarly Communications in the Texas A&M University Libraries, where his team developed library services that support interdisciplinary research teams and enhance research translation and the societal impact of Texas A&M's research.
Prior to joining the TAMU Libraries his scientific research explored questions concerning biogeochemical processes that mediate the interactions between human society and ecosystems, including the fate and bioavailability of contaminants, natural and human perturbations of nutrient and organic carbon, and human impacts on ecosystem functioning.
Bruce has a B.A. in Chemistry, Colgate University, M.S. and Ph.D. in Soil Science, University of California, Riverside.
Fun fact: Bruce and his wife, Amy, raise Gulf Coast Native Sheep.